The doorbell rang to my apartment and I opened the door. There was a real estate agent with two visitors at the door. She said she was there to give the visitors a tour of my apartment because they were interested in living there. I told her that I lived in the apartment and that she couldn't just show up and give a tour of my apartment because it wasn't on the market. I closed the door. A few hours later, I was walking in my apartment and I saw that they managed to get in and she was giving her tour. I asked her how she got into the apartment and she held up a key. I was furious and decided to run around the apartment, cleaning it so that they would at least see it clean.
This dream may symbolize a sense of invasion of your personal boundaries and a feeling of helplessness or frustration in asserting your own control over your life. The real estate agent and visitors represent external influences or people who may be encroaching upon your space or trying to take control. The act of trying to show your apartment to others without your permission can reflect a lack of respect for your personal boundaries or a feeling of being overlooked or disregarded by others.
Closing the door initially may represent your attempt to assert boundaries and protect your personal space. However, the fact that they still managed to enter your apartment signifies a sense of your boundaries being violated or your efforts to establish control being undermined.
The act of cleaning the apartment in a rushed and furious manner can symbolize your desire to regain control and make the best impression, even in the face of intrusion. It may reflect a need to prove yourself or assert your value to others, even when your sense of personal space and privacy has been compromised.
Overall, this dream could indicate a need to set clearer boundaries in your waking life and assert your autonomy. It may also suggest a desire for a greater sense of control over your environment and a need to reclaim your personal space.